PC Roads of the FBH Ltd Sarajevo invites all interested parties, non-governmental organizations and residents of the municipality of Jajce and settlements neighbouring the area of intended road pavement and axis corrections on sec...
Framework Agreements and Contracts for routine maintenance of the main roads in the Federation of BH were signed today for the period of 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.
Given the works execution under the Federation Roads Modernization Programme as well as the upcoming tourist season and the traffic growth on all roads in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, PC Roads of the...
Under the Federation Road Sector Modernization Programme, Contract for provision of Consultancy Services for IRAP Survey of the Road Network has been signed today.
On Draft Environmental and Social Management Plan for the Project of the Construction of Third Lane for Slow Vehicles on sections Bosanski Petrovac – Drvar and Drvar – Resanovci (M14.2) and Abbreviated Resettlement Act...
Under the Federation Road Sector Modernization Programme, the representatives of the Employer, PC Roads of the FBIH Ltd Sarajevo and the Contractor, EURO-ASFALT Ltd Sarajevo signed the following contracts today:
PC Roads of the Federation of BiH hosted a meeting of the COST ACTION TU1406 Management Board which presented today the Quality Control Plans for Roadway Bridges, Standardization at a European level.
Contract for Mostar South Bypass – Completion of road section Međine – Miljkovići, L= 6,7 km was signed today in the business premises of the PC Roads of the Federation of BiH under the Federation Roads Modernization P...