Federal Administration for Civil Protection
This agency is an important collaborating partner for PC Roads when it comes to managing emergencies on the road network.
Federal Administration for Civil Protections is the executive body in managing emergencies, and has a secretary function.
These are the main regulations/ legislation:
- “Protection and Rescue Act” is being drafted currently. Last time amended in 2010. Based on this act, the vulnerability assessment (assessment of threats) is done.
- “The Assessment of threats” is a “live” document; it should be updated and new risks introduced continuously (prescribed by the Act). However, updating is not timely done and there are delays. Latest “Assessment of threats” was done in 2014.
- “Development Programme” is a strategic document, and the result of the Assessment of threats. It provides the basis for the “Plan” that follows.
- “Plan for protection and rescue from natural disasters” consists of tasks prioritised in the “Development programme”. CPA is currently drafting a new plan. It will also be a subject of continuous updating.